85 Years Of, The Batman!


Eighty five years ago, today, the smoking gun barrel of Joseph Chill unleashed unto the wretched streets of Gotham City, a nocturnal nightmare of which they had never seen before. The mindless murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne, before the innocent eyes of their young son, Bruce, unshackled a force of vengeance and righteous justice that has been preying on Gotham’s criminal underbelly with furious anger, ever since… The Batman!


Created by the peerless pairing of Bill Finger, and Bob Kane, this creepy and curmudgeonly creature of the night’s first ever appearance was in DC Comic’s revered – Detective Comics #27, which released on 30th March 1939 (though the issue was dated May, comics are often dated a month or two ahead) Since that time, the dark and surly one has gone on to become, quite possibly, the most popular and renowned Superhero ever conceived, with his fame spreading across every single known entertainment medium, from comic-books through video-games, television shows, movies, toys, clothes, novelisations, and so, so much more, firmly cementing his Bat-place in heroic history!


But what is it that compels readers to immerse themselves in a vengeance driven man-hunter, a being that has devoted his life to bringing his own brand of Bat-justice to a corrupt and dystopian city seething with criminal detritus? I absolutely believe that it’s his inherent vulnerability and pathos, you see, unlike the vast swathe of caped crusaders, Bruce is, ultimately, just a man in a costume… he can’t leap tall buildings in a single bound, or deflect bullets with bracelets, he’s not capable of reaching the speed-force, or even talking to fish! but what he does possess is the inherent belief in his own righteousness and decency, it’s his integrity and moral fortitude that has enabled him to rise above the sea of costumed crimefighters and be the best he can be, no matter the adversity or lack of powers thereof… the mark of a true hero (of course, billions of dollars, an unsurpassed mastery of myriad martial arts, genius level intellect and a compendium of glorious gadgets also, sort of, helps!)


So, Happy eighty fifth anniversary to the greatest comic-book character ever created! So, my bodacious Bat brethren, why not sound off in the comments below about your very first encounter with the dreaded Dark Knight, and what you will be doing to celebrate eight five years in the company of Gotham’s grim and gritty guardian.  


About Bruce Hodder (formerly known as ArcaneHalloween)

Fanatical about comics, gaming and horror movies... but then isn't everyone?

Posted on March 30, 2024, in Comics, Comics in film, Comics/television, Comics/toys, Gaming, Movies, Other stuff... and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. 85!
    Going full steam ahead to the classical section of the museum 🤣
    HBA, Bruce 🦇

    Liked by 1 person

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