Robin v Superboy: Dawn Of Temper Tantrums…

Well if it’s good enough for their mentors…  After Batman and Superman’s bodacious brawl in Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice at the box office, their scrappy sidekicks decide to get in on the action, and recreate the feud on a much smaller scale.


Boys Will Be Boys… Even Super Powered Ones Apparently!

Batman and Superman couldn’t be more different if you paid them, chalk and cheese, night and day… they are literal polar opposites in the realm of the Superhero. So it would be pretty damn obvious that their offspring would be also, and guess what, they really are.

Damian Wayne is the biological son of one, Bruce Wayne, otherwise known as The Batman, Damian is a mischievous malcontent of the highest order, he’s also been trained by the world’s foremost martial expert… his father, but for all of this he may have just met his match against the son of Clark Kent.


Jon Kent is the son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane, and is a chip off the old block in every way, including the fact that he also has super powers, just like his father. Jon’s powers though do differ to the Man of Steel’s, Jon is a powerful telekinetic, which helps him mimic feats such as flight, super strength and superhuman speed. 

After a disagreement between Bats and Supes (this really does happen on a regular basis guys, perhaps you just aren’t cut out to be Super-Buddies after all!) is resolved without fisticuffs (for a change) Alfred offers to introduce Superboy to Damian’s pets, but of course, Damian dependably ruins the enforced ambience by insulting Superboy, who reacts with… 


That’s Gonna Sting In The Morning!

Damian though isn’t the type to take that lying down, and neither are his loyal pets, if you take on one member of the Bat Family, you take on them all…


Bat-Cat, Bat-Dog And Bat-Cow(!?) To The Rescue!

Of Course, this frenetic fracas does not go over well with their respective patriarchs, and let’s be honest the last person you would want to upset would be The Batman, I’m sure Damian’s punishment will reflect his Father’s rather unforgiving nature…


Uh-Oh Is Right Guys… You’re In Deep Doo Doo!

Superman #10 is a fantastic and fun read, it’s always great to see the big two together especially when they’re at odds, and having their sidekick sons enact their on/off animosity makes for a quirky and amusing ride. Highly recommended.

About Bruce Hodder (formerly known as ArcaneHalloween)

Fanatical about comics, gaming and horror movies... but then isn't everyone?

Posted on November 9, 2016, in Comics and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Damian is a poster child for corporal punishment, I swear.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ha ha, yes indeed, though I do really like the character… he keeps ol’ Batsy on his toes!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Blasted WP is fighting me on a reply. >(

        Anyhoo, he’s obnoxious to me, but does serve as a good reminder to Batsy not to stray too far into the dark side.

        I think what really poisoned the character of Damian for me was the way he was portrayed in the issues that got made into the Batman vs Robin animated movie (Court of Owls saga) and the two Injustice games.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I understand, he’s very much a divisive character, I do really love the animated duo of Son of Batman and Batman v Robin though, and he does eventually come good in the recent (and brilliant) Justice League Dark: Apokolips war.

        Liked by 1 person

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